AdSense reporting goes live with new updates
Google AdSense has gone live with new reporting format. AdSense Reporting aims to enable publishers make informed decisions to grow their businesses by making available insights about their monetization performance, audience as well as content. The same is being launched in phases so it will a week or two before it ca be visible in accounts of publishers. Update will also follow with the change and once the account is updated the the new reporting will be by default installed. Option to view the old format and new reports will however be available by toggling at the top of the page.
What's new
Simpler to use Interface: A new redesigned interface is made available to make date range selection easier, also selection of filters, breakdowns etc. New metric picker has replaced the old metrics families.
Easier to visualize: New improved charts now more closely integrated with the table. Single click display of each data series has been enabled.
Better experience on mobile: Mobile-optimized page for reporting, hence the experience on mobile will be same as that of desktop.
More supportive: Interface with more information icons available to get in built support. More detailed explanations of metrics by hovering over icons will be available.
To make reports more viable and accurate, the reporting data will be limited to three years for all AdSense products viz., Adsense for content, AdSense for search, etc.
YouTube and AdMob data will be disintegrated from AdSense reports for sake of more focused reporting.
What’s more to expect:
As per Olivier Chafik (AdSense Reports Technical Lead Manager) In the upcoming year we'll focus on contextualising Reporting data with actionable suggestions and assistance to make it easier to grow your business and focus on the right content. Simply getting more insights from the data you already have.
We will also upgrade our API in 2021 enhancing it with the more parameters and signals.
Great article, very much informative article. Keep sharing ��